I am sitting here sipping my CHOCOVINE trying to"RELAX".... I should be fine tuning the 2 papers due shortly or studying for the plethora of finals closing in.... but I found myself compelled to document the humor and joys in my life lately..... WHERE DO I START?!?!?! I am sure I'll leave TONS out:
*A couple of weeks ago driving down the road in Dax's suburban w/ almost 200k mile on it:
"I love this car! It's the BEST one we have ever owned. It rides so nice... my King Ranch Expedition doesn't hold a candle to this truck!"
NOT EVEN AN HOUR LATER: the Suburban broke down on Dax!
~All is well it's fixed now and running great (virtual fingers crossed) & we were thankful Dax wasn't hurt when it abruptly STOPPED!
*"I've got a lot of JUNK in MY TRUNK MOM!" Ollie exclaimed on the ride home from the doctor (our 100th that week...slight exaggeration ;-)
"Oh, really what does that mean Ollie?"
"DUH, I have been putting lots of food in my body!!!"
*Thank GOD for sweet little ones who make even the shortest conversations special!!!

~~~I know so much more has happened but it's a fog: soccer games, volleyball games, baseball games, a MESSY house, work, school, sick kids (x's4), sick mom.......
*Fast forward to Sunday night:
Pillow Fight GONE WRONG- after a wonderful day spent hanging out in Yaya's wonderful forest and ponds...the cousins & friends gathered for a fun pillow fight 14yrs to 6yrs all joining in the fun!
I lean over to my sister: "I should probably stop this.... someone is going to get hurt!"
NEXT second....two of my children are screaming! One with hurt feelings the other really HURT! Jax had been landed on by a 187 lbs friend.... all 55 lbs of Jax were squished impacting the jaw/ chin area.... LONG story short I took Jax to the ER & everything check out just soft tissue bruises and swelling.
SO Jax looks STRANGE and we all keep describing it: upside down teardrop, Jay Leno, light weight champ, tall head egg head...... and my favorite:
We are heading out the door and Jax starts bawlking like a CHICKEN and I say "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" His answer was "Well I look like a CHICKEN so I thought I would act like it!" He went on to tell me (you KNOW JAX IS a CHICKEN EXPERT!) they have the same thing under their necks JUST LIKE ME!!!! ....... so we are left with CHICKEN LITTLEBROOKS... his new nickname!

Dax and I bolted (really fast in my mind ;-) out the door for a quick run before getting everyone ready for bed. It was a great night... perfect weather, the moon sparkling through the trees....it was such a blast, so peaceful, so....*****RING,RING,RING****** "Hello, hey man! We are headed right home........"(there was more to this but I will spare you) My neighbor (wonderful man) was on the other end with Dax recounting that ALL 4 of my kids had just come over because the fire alarm was going off. I am so proud of my kids... they got out of the house together and did as I have instructed in an emergency. Dax sprinted home....I ran home slightly slower.... firefighters arrived.... not fire just a haywire alarm....THANK GOD....
anyway, I'm tired.....