- house has not sold but is getting TONS of showings.... confident it will move fast now!
- after prayerful consideration we have decided to go on to Houston and start the kids on Monday at the school near my dads house.
- Dax is my CONSTANT!
- We are REALLY going to miss our friends.
- need to buy school supplies...... AGAIN ;)
- had to tell my pediatrician of 7 years goodbye today.... will miss her and her nurse!
- I ache thinking of the boys missing their buddies next door... it was so hard on the girls when their next door buddies moved away!
- The kids jumped up and down about starting a NEW school
- MUST quickly find 4 yr old a MDO....he thinks he will be a bear and start soon
- I am so happy every night next week I will lay my head to sleep next to Dax...
- 4yr old lives in his back pack
- 3 of 4 kids got shots OUCH.... all had check ups... 4 back on allergy meds .... my pocket book says OUCH!
- burned my chin when eating pizza.... it's sooooo pretty...no lawsuit I cooked it
and yes he even uses the potty with his new Batman Backpack!!!!
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