He is my lover. When with him, a minute doesn't pass without a passionate "I love you" or a hug.
He is a flirt! Most women fall for his four year old charm... ;) My sister says he has a way of making YOU feel like the most special person on earth! He has me charmed! I know for right now when he says, "You're the BEST mommy!" He means it. And when I am sweaty & stinky after a run and get "you're so pretty" to him I am! This summer he told the female lifeguards he was SUPERMAN! He told them but you CAN NOT tell my mom because she will be so mad!
Good thing he has charm because his since of style is VERY poor. This is what I let my 4 yr old wear out and about in Austin today. He was so proud!!!! He put gel in his hair and slicked it down... notice camo short! LIKE father like son......
Oh, one more little man story.... the boys had learned that it was "fun" to make a scene when hit between the legs. So we were hearing a lot of "oh, my balls" (not sure where they even heard it).... not polite... I know. It was getting so bad Dax told them it would be better if they grabbed their leg and said it was their knee. Well in my 4 yr olds head it became his knuckles... skinny dipping at mom's pool the other day he annouced to the whole family, "my knuckles are swinging in the wind!!!!" Last night, he fell on his bike and cried to me that he hurt his leg and knuckles.
BOYS!!!!!!!!! Got to LOVE EM!!!!
****check out my friend Holly's new blog**** Warning: Don't Run with Pencils! all I have to say is OUCH!!!!!!
so sweet.
That's my boy...I've gotta work with him on the lines though. He'll get better.
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