Sunday, October 25, 2009

Two Love Bugs in the Kitchen

The kids were all at the table last week when Ollie announced,

"2 Love Bugs in the Kitchen!"

Dax and I were fixing the kid's plates. We had stopped to sneak a kiss when Ollie caught us!

Even at 5...... they don't miss a beat!

Today, we have been married 14 years! WOW!

Last night, Dax took me out to celebrate.

Here are the pictures I got the sitter to take before we left.


Amber Knauss said...

Congrats guys! Enjoy your time together!

Angela Draper said...

Congratulations! You two look great. Hope you had a fun night out.

Swartz's Scribbles said...

Congrats!! I remember that day so well!! I love that your guys love each other sooooooo much.