Man, I don't even know where to start :-)
It has been a wonderful summer.....busy but great! I took a three week mini-mester that ended the 1st week in June which ended on the kids last day of school.
- It feels like we spent most of June CLEANING this house... it was WAY out of control. Really, we played a lot too. I have been loving sleeping in late, swimming, getting HUGS all day long, and playing games.
- Jax had baseball camp which was absolutely wonderful.
- For Jax's birthday all he wanted to do was see Karate Kids. So we took him, his brother and 2 friends. The 4 of them were so cute! Dax & I had a blast watching their excitement.
- My dear friend Shelley visited with her 4 kids.
- We took several trips to the farm and "helped" pick the garden. I cooked so much in June... I don't know how my Meme does it :-)
- Golf camp in Galveston. This is something the kids have done for 6 years... This was the 1st year that all 7 kids (mine & Leah's) were golfing. Will is to old for camp but he just hung around and played all golf & visited with his friends. Dax, Leah, & I got in a couple of GREAT beach runs.... 6 to 8 miles! We look so funny in our barefoot shoes and camelback water packs!
- My sister & her girls stop by often to swim & play. We love the playtime... even Leah & I!
- For the girls & Leah's birthday we saw the midnight showing of Eclipse! It was a great night.
- On the 4th we went to the Showboat drive-in. We watched 2 movies under the stars and saw fireworks in the distance.
- The kids spent a couple of days with their Doc, Nanny, Harold, Yaya & cousins. Dax & I enjoyed some alone time :-)
- We went to Sea World. Emma spent the whole day with Will and 2 of his friends riding roller coasters. I can't believe she is so grown. Delaney stayed with us because she HATES roller coasters ;-)
- Dax just got back from Singapore (for work). We missed him but that gave us a chance to hit the road, visit New Braunfels, spend time with the grandmas and even get to see Sherry & the kids.
- I taking a 2nd summer session class online...Spanish! It is going good but a little hard with all 4 kids home.
I am sure I have missed so much but hopefully that is the highlights of the summer so far. I have tons of pictures & will try to post more later but here are some from golf camp in Galveston.