Friday, January 8, 2010

My Word for 2010

I read about One Little Word last year on Brene Brown & Ali Edwards blogs. Oops, I never got around to doing it but something just grabbed me this year on the Ordinary Courage Blog. I couldn't let another year pass without claiming my word.
I found a free tool by Christine Kane to help discover your word of the year. I sat down and wrote words that came to mind.... and if you know me my MIND is STRANGE ;-)
Flow....... Flow
and there it was popping out at me FLOW!
I had filed this word away in my mind since reading a post Lesley last month.
Over 2009 I had quite a few flow experiences...more & more as I returned to College last semester. I am hooked on the rush and joy of being totally emersed in a task. It is the feeling I get when running (not when I start but during the run). I am envisioning this year being a FLOW YEAR! I am challenging myself to find the flow in all aspects of life not just limit it to one or two. The above picture is from a visit to the farm earlier in the week. It is of my children in one of my favorite places on Earth!
So in 2010 my word is Flow.


Dax said...

Love the picture and the word baby. Here's to you and your FLOW in 2010.

Poppy said...

Excellent word!